Visit Korea after 14 Years

9/25 - 10/31, 2017

It has been 14 years since D. I. visited Korea though only 5 years for Jane. She visited Korea in 2012.
This time, we are planning to visit Korea for about 2 weeks

1) to meet our families, relatives and friends before it is too late to visit.
2) to meet ham radio friends
3) to travel around Korea for a week to see latest development of Korea

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제8구간  10/24 - 10/29

이렇게 자동차에 약간의 상처를 입힌것 외에는 문제 없이 6일간의 지방순례를 맞히고 서울로 돌아와서, 4일간을 서울에서 체제하였는데, 청주에서 올라오든 10/24에는 대학 동창인 김윤기 내외를 저녁에 만나 함께 저녁을 들으면서 대학동창들의 소식을 들었읍니다.

We have returned to Seoul from the country trip on 10/24 Tuesday and had a dinner with my college classmate Yoon-Ki Kim and his wife. We have exchanged latest news of our college classmates taking dinner together.

다음날인 10/25에는 옛날에 KMI에 근무하든 윤정세가 신라호텔에서 아침을 사겠다고하여, 오래만에 만나 옛날 KMI에서 있었든 얘기를 하며 즐거운 아침을 보냈읍니다.

Next day on 10/25, one of our old KMI friends Jung-Se Yoon offered a breakfast at Shilla Hotel restaurant. We talked about KMI in 1970 - 1973 and latest news of old KMI friends.

그후에 점심시간에는 옛날의 삼성에서 상사였든 김광호 전회장과 내밑에서 상무로 일하든 홍우현 상무 두내외를 예촌이라는 한식집에서 만나 오래만에 옛날의 삼성에서의 얘기를 하며 보냈읍니다.

We had a lunch with Kwang-Ho Kim couple, former chairman of Samsung Semiconductors and my boss when I worked for Samsung Semiconductors, and Woo-Hyun Hong couple who worked for me as a director of Samsung Semiconductors Quality Assurance.  We talked about old Samsung Semiconductors and had a great time together.

이날은 하루 세끼에 모두 약속이 되어있어, 자녁에는 옛 KMI 친구들을 만났는데, 1970 - 1973의 3년반 동안 KMI (Korean Microsystems Inc.)에서 함께 일하든 옛 직원 20명이 참석하여 대 성황을 이루었읍니다. 이날은 원래 옛 KMI 동료들이 매월 모이는 날에 우리가 참석했는데, 내가 온다니까 평소보다 훨신 많은 사람이 참석하여, 옛날 KMI 초기에 있었든 秘話를 여러가지 얘기하여 모두기 경청하며 즐거운 시간을 보냈읍니다. 이날은 식당의 방이 좁아, 여성동지들(조동인, 심규만, 안중규, 최동휘 부인들)은 옆방으로 쫓겨가는 참사(???)가 벌어지기도 했읍니다. hi hi

We had a three appointments today - breakfast, lunch and dinner. During dinner hour, we met old KMI (Korean Microsystems Inc. - A Subsidiary of AMI, American Microsystems Inc. in Santa Clara, Calif.) friends, 20 of them. This was regular monthly meeting of old KMI employees and we joined it. However, as I was attending, there were more than usual friends attended. I have talked many old confidential stories of early KMI and they were very interested to hear them. Today, as the restaurant room was not large enough, there was a disaster(???) that wives of D. I. Cho, K. M. Shim, C. K. An and D. H. Choi had to be moved to next room. ha ha.

다음날인 10/26에는 항구가 점심을 사서 혁구조카와 항구, 응구, 증구, 능구의 5형제중 4형제가 모여 점심식사를 함께하였고, 저녁에는 삼성반도체의 품질부서 친구들이 모여 옛 이야기를 하며 즐거운 저녁 시간을 보냈읍니다.

Next day of 10/26, Hang-Koo bought a lunch for us. Hyuk-Koo, who was a teacher of Jane at Ehwa High School, and 4 brothers of Hang-Koo attended. We had a great time talking old stories. In the evening, we had a dinner with old QA people who worked for me when I was a Senior Director of Samsung Semiconductors Quality Assurance.

다음날인 10/27은 햄계에서 가장 년장자이고, 내가 대학생 시절에 이리공고 선생님으로 계시든 HM1AQ OM 여러번 이리로 찾아 갔었는데, HL1GN OM AQ OM과의 만남을 주선하여 주어서, 점심시간에 OM 만나러 갔읍니다. 가보니 HL1GN 아니라 HL3IB OM 역활이 켰든것 같은데, 3IB OM 충주에서 일부러 올라와 있었고 HL3EA OM 있었읍니다. AQ OM 이제 연세가 많아저 기억력이 많이 약화된것 같은데 그외는 문제는 없는것 같아, 거이20년만에 반갑게 만났읍니다. 함께 점심 식사후에 AQ OM댁에 잠시 들러서 XYL 만났는데, XYL 아주 반갑게 맞아 주었읍니다.

On 10/27, HL1GN arranged a meeting with HL1AQ who has been oldest (by age) ham in Korea. I have visited him several times when he was a technical high school teacher in Iri city, Chulla North Province, and I was a college student working for KARL, Korean Amateur Radio League. In the restaurant, I found HL3IB and HL3EA too. His health seems to be not too bad but poor memory seemed to be the major problem. After the lunch, we visited his house and met HL1AQ's XYL (wife) who was so happy to see us after several decades.

이렇게 AQ OM 정말 오래만에 반갑게 만난 후에,  HL3EA/HL3IB OMs와는 73하고, HL1GN QTH 방문했읍니다. HL1GN OM과는 1 365일중 300 이상을 7MHz에서 QSO하는 Partner, OM 저녁시간 21:00 - 22:00 KST QSO 하지만, 그시간이 California에서는 03:00 - 0400 한밤중으로, 밤잠이 없는 KE6AJ외에는 California에서 나오는 국이 없읍니다. hi hi. 이렇게 나에게는 main customer이지만, shack 방문하는것은 처음으로, 이제 QSO 하면서 어떻게 얘기하고 있는지? 상상이 갈것 같습니다. hi hi.

After we had a great meeting with HL1AQ, we said 73 (Good-Bye) to HL3IB and HL3EA, and visited the home of HL1GN with whom I made QSOs (contacts on the air) of at least 300 times a year out of 365 days. The QSOs  were made at 21:00 - 23:00 KST mostly which were 03:00 - 05:00 in California. Only I was available for HL1GN at that time and I was a great partner for him. This was the first visit of his shack (radio station) and, now, I could imagine how he would be operating his ham station when I make QSOs in the future.

이번 기회에 Antenna Rig 만이 아니라, 미인 XYL 만나 무척 반가웠고, 우리 셋이서 경기도 광주시로 HL2DC 찾아갔읍니다. HL1GN OM 한시간을 운전하여 광주까지 가서 HL2DC OM 만났는데, 2DC OM 우리가 미국 가기전에 만난 OM으로, 경찰서용 Pole 불하 받았다는데, 굵은 Pole위에 멋있는 Antenna 서있었읍니다. 거기서 XYL과도 반갑게 인사하고, 세쌍이 거리상으로 식당에 가서 저녁을 먹으며 한국 Ham계의 옛날 얘기로 즐거운 저녁을 보냈읍니다.

After we saw the shack of HL1GN and met beautiful his XYL (wife), all four of us visited HL2DC in Kwangju, Kyungki Province, driving the car for little more than an hour. HL2DC was licensed before we moved to U.S.A. and we have met him before we move to U.S.A. His antenna was impressive on the top of police antenna pole. We went to a restaurant with his wife all together and had a great time talking about old ham radio in Korea.

이렇게 하루를 보내고, HL1GN OM 우리가 묵고 있는 Willy 집까지 태워다 주었고, 집에 들어가자마자, 그대로 꼻아 떨어졌읍니다. hi hi

We spent whole day with HL1GN and others and HL1GN dropped us at Willy's house. I was so tired and fall in sleep immediately.

서울에서 마지막 날인 10/28에는 점심시간에 옛 KMI의 총무담당 이사였든 최동휘씨와 점심을 함께 했고, 저녁에는 웅구네 식당에서 효선아빠, 인희, 인숙, 명숙, 효선이 남편등과 저녁을 먹으면서 마지막 날을 보냈읍니다 이렇게 잠시도 쉬는 시간 없이 빽빽한 일정을 보냈는데, 원래는 반정도만 계획하고 반정도는 비워 놨었는데, 서울에 가서 만나자는 사람이 많아, 너무 인기가 좋와서 바쁜 매일이 되었고, 매일 매일이 무척이나 고단한 매일이되어, 밤이면 녹초가 되어 잠은 잘 잤읍니다.hi hi.

We had a lunch with Dong-Hui Choi, former KMI Administrative Director of KMI and had a dinner with dad of Hyosun, husband of Hyosun, In-Hee, In-Sook and Myung-Sook. Originally, I had only half times scheduled but it became full time schedule as so many people wanted to meet us, and I was really tired every evening.