กกAdieu 2005 !!
KMI/AMI Alumni - 12/10/05

KMI/AMI Alumni had a wonderful evening at the Year-End Farewell 2005 Party. 
K.A. Sung, the President of Korean TV - KTVN - provided his hall in free of charge.

Nine members enjoyed the night - From left to right on the top picture with each wife in front:
Chang Won-Kyung, Somoon Byungho, Shim Kyu-Man, Cho Dong-In, Sung Ki-Ang, Lee Tae-Hee, 
Choi Kang-Rim, Song Tae-Hwan and Lee Dal-Woong alone without wife.

Many Thanks, Ki-Ang !!


Our Top Singers

And Top Dancers.

At the end of the party, we exchanged New Year Gifts each other.
