Whereabouts of Korean hams in U.S.A. and Canada.
of some early Korean ham stations. :
& HM
of early Korean ham stations
Pictures of some early KARL activities.
Recent Photos
of Korean Hams in W/VE
Video of 60 years of KARL (11 min.
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History of Early Stage of KARL ( - 1973)
Behind Story of KARL
Both D. I. and Jane Cho have been licensed
Ham Radio
operators in Korea (HM1AJ
HM1AM). She was the first
woman radio operator
in Korean.
Although Jane did not get U.S. license, D.I. has his U.S. license.
D. I. was one of pioneers of Ham Radio in Korea and played an important role
in organizing
the Korean Amateur Radio League
(KARL) in 1955. In 1960, he began
operating one of the very early Ham Radio stations in Korea (10th. : Call
Sign HM1AJ),
communicating with other Ham Radio operators worldwide.
In 1970, he became
the 3rd. President of KARL, and held that position until 1973, when the Cho
family moved to the United States.
D. I. Operated
KB6IR in Cupertino, CA during 1978 - 1986
in Fremont, CA during 1998 - 2000.
It was
closed in 2000 for 15
years, came back to the air in July, 2015 at Sunnyvale, CA and he is
currently operating "KE6AJ"
in San Jose, CA.

KE6AJ in Fremont, CA. Because
the Home Owners Association in Fremont house did not allow any high antenna
installation, this 60 years old small house, about 1 mile away from home, was
purchased and KE6AJ ham radio station with 60ft (20m) high 3 elements Cubical
Quad antenna was installed. No one lived in this house. It was 100% ham radio
station only house.

If you are not a ham and interested to know about
HAM RADIO, click left button.
The followings
are some images from their life in Ham Radio.
Click on each image at left to see
a larger version and/or details.
KARL 창립 60주년 기념특집
어째서 HM1AJ가 연맹일을 했다는 사실을 완전히 부정하는 글을 쓰게 되었는지?
9/25 - 10/31, 2017
Visit Korea after 14
9/25 - 10/31, 2017
It has been 14 years since D. I. visited Korea though only 5 years for Jane.
She visited Korea in 2012.
This time, we were planning a trip to Korea for 37
days, 1 week more than a month.
1) to meet our
families, relatives and friends before it is too late to visit.
2) to visit ham radio friends with whom D. I. talked over the radio
3) to travel around Korea for a week to see latest development of Korea.
(Written in Korean/English. 본문은 한글/영어입니다) |
7/6 - 8/6, 2017
9th. Driving
Trip around N. A. Continent - crossing 18 times.
7/6 - 8/6, 2017
We drove around North American Continent again - our 9th. drive around - during
7/6 - 8/6 (one month). By this driving, we achieved 18 times of crossing
the continent. We would like to have another one next year to achieve 10
times of driving around the continent in our life, though we are not sure
whether we could do it next year or not ??????
(Written in Korean/English. 본문은 한글/영문입니다.) |
7/8 - 8/5, 2016
Transcontinental Trip Visiting Korean Hams
이여행은 미국과 캐나다에 있는 한국인 햄 약 50명을 방문하기 위하여 실행된
여행입니다. 이 50명의 햄들의 대부분은 만난일이 없는 초면이고, 대부분 교신 조차 한일 없는 햄들이지만, 그저 같은 햄이라는것 만으로
환영해주시고, 많은 즐거운 대화를 하며 지난, 즐거운 여행이었읍니다.
이것으로 미대륙 횡단을 16번 하게되었고, 8번 왕복을 하였읍니다.
(Written in Korean. 본문은 한글입니다) |
Ham Visiting Trip
1/30 - 2/5, 2016
I have talked with HL1GN
and DS1DPX in Korea over the ham radio communications almost every day for
the last half year since I came back to ham radio in July last year. Now,
they came to L.A. for a week vacation and we went to L.A. to welcome them,
and to meet and visit many Korean hams there for a week and were welcomed by
many Korean hams whom we have never met before. Just because we are same
(Written in
Korean. 본문은 한글입니다) |
This is D.I's current U.S. Ham Radio License issued by FCC, the Federal
Communication Commission. Both Operator and Station Licenses are combined in one
simple form. |
D.I. wrote a series of article about the real story behind very early KARL of
late 1950s through early 1960s in KARL monthly magazine from July 2001 issue
through March 2002 issue. You can read it here clicking the left image. |
1959년 발행된 햄
관련 최초의 서적인
호주에 계신 이주우
(VK2C0) 님이 연맹에
편찬하신 이 책은
SWL 방법과 자격고시 대비
문제집, 그리고 법규와
각종 Data가 실려있읍니다.
도서를 기증해주신 이주우님께
감사드립니다. |
4287년(1954)에서 4292년(1959) 까지 - KARL지 2005년 4월호에서
You can read the story of early KARL
written by D. I. clicking the left picture.
D.I. and Jane visited KARL HQ on 4/18/01 and were interviewed by KARL Magazine.
You can read the interview report here clicking the left image. |
This is D. I. Cho's QSL card of his ham radio station
with station photo. QSL card is exchanged between ham stations, when the
first radio contact is made, to confirm/certify the first contact. It contains
his/her call letter, date/time of contact, signal report and some other
pertinent information. |
This was D. I. Cho's first ham radio station in U.S.A. - KB6IR, which was
operated from 1979 to 1986 in Cupertino, California, until they moved back to
Korea to join Samsung, with QSL card at upper left. |
This was
the first Korean Call Book (Address book of all hams) published in
May, 1965 (edited by HM1AJ Cho Dong-In.) commemorating
10th. Anniversary of KARL, The Korean Amateur Radio League, Inc.. It
contains addresses of all hams in Korea at that time with pictures, and many
very useful basic information to operate ham radio stations as shown in the
index page. (Information pages are not shown here.) The printing and paper
quality were very poor, but it was one of the most valuable book for all Korean
hams at that time. You can read it here clicking the left image. |
D.I. wrote a book about Ham Radio in 1965, the first book about Ham Radio
published in Korea. Neither he nor publisher ever made money with this book, but
it was published just to promote good understanding of Ham Radio in Korea, as
Ham Radio was not known much in Korea yet in 1965. The second edition was
published in 1973 and the third in 1991 by the demand of Korean hams.
(You can read the book clicking the left book image) |
Here are D.I. and Jane, at their ham radio station, back when their call letters
were HM1AJ and HM1AM respectively in Korea in the 1960s, with
their QSL card at upper left. |
In his 40+ years in Ham Radio, D.I. has put up (and taken down) many antennas in
two countries to transmit his signal. Here is a side-by-side look at two of
those antennas. |
Here is Jane at her Ham Radio Station in 1960 and her Ham Radio Operator License
she got in April, 1959, while she was a college student. She was the
first female radio operator in Korea, including professional as well
as amateur... |
...a distinction that got her on Korean television... |
...in an English language newspaper... |
...and a Korean language newspaper. |
This is D.I.'s old Ham Radio Operator License issued by the Ministry of
Communication, Republic of Korea, on 4/25/59. |
And this is the HM1AJ ham radio Station License also issued by the Ministry of
Telecommunication, Republic of Korea on 11/18/60, which was the historical date
for D.I. |
Back when D.I. operated under the call sign HM1AJ in Korea, he encountered many
people in rather unusual locations. Here are some samples. |
D.I. and Jane also have their Korean Ham Radio call letters on their automobile
license plates. |