By this 7th. trip, we have traveled
total 54,907 miles or 88,369 Km which is more than 2 times around the earth.
Automobile License
Plates of states and Canadian provinces - stayed over night in 19
states/provinces and passed through 13 states/provinces, total 32 states and

Phase - 1 : From Home to North.

Day-1 : Sunnyvale -
Grants Pass
On the first day of the trip, we
left home at 9:00 AM (8:59 AM exactly) and drove 422 miles to north heading
for Grants Pass, which is located in Oregon right after we crossed border of
California and Oregon. It was a smooth start without any problem for 7 hours
and 25 minutes including lunch, gas and coffee breaks etc..

As we usually do in
Grants Pass, we had a great dinner at Taprock Northwest Grill. This grill is
a great restaurant at river side in Grants Pass, almost same level as top
class restaurants in a large city, though it is in a small mountain town.

I really enjy this freeway driving. I always feel great driving wide open
flat land on the straight endless freeway at the speed of 80-90 miles an
hour. How great it is compared to the life confined in a small room every
day sitting in front of computers most of the time !!! The longest driving I
have ever had in my whole life was about 16 hours of driving in one day. I
believe it was 1974, the 2nd year after we moved to U. S. A.. Mr. C. K. An
of KMI came from Korea and I took him to one week trip to Yellowstone, Grand
Canyon and Las Vegas. We left Salt Lake City at 6:00 AM without breakfast,
drove to North Rim of Grand Canyon and to Las Vegas arriving Las Vegas at
midnight - 18 hours. Excluding breakfast, lunch, gas station stops and some
break times, I believe we drove actually about 16 hours. During that time, I
did almost all the driving as I was the only guy who can drive fast and we
didn't have enough time. I did many non-stop driving to Lake Tahoe and
Yosemite which take about 4 hours one way of winding mountain roads for more
than half of the way. Many people say they become sleepy once they take the
steering wheel. I am not. I am woken up once I get the wheel when I was
Everybody says I am crazy, driving
so many times of cross-continental driving. I agree 100% !! I am definitely
"Crazy Driver" !!!, not only crossing continent so many times while there
are very few people crossed even once in the life time, but I am driving
always at the left fastest lane and not too many people pass me. But I just
love driving. !!!
I don't mind to get a few speeding
tickets during 1 month driving this time. Speeding ticket is quite different
from other tickets - it doesn't mean I am driving dangerously but is purely
the matter of luck. Almost everyone drive faster than speed limits. (At the
left lane of the freeways around Silicon Valley, every car drives at 80-90
miles an hour, average 85 miles/hour. Speed limit is 65 mph) There are very
few people driving within the limit. The only reason to get a speeding
ticket is just I was driving at the wrong place at
wrong time.
The freeway is the safest road always even you drive faster than
other cars. High speed itself does not cause any accident. (It
will just make accident much bigger, if happens.) Rather slow speed blocking
other cars will cause more accident because other cars have to change lane
to pass you. I drove around so much, probably more than most of the people,
at 80-90 miles an hour speed always, received more than 20 speeding tickets
but I have never had a freeway accident in my whole life. Though I am a fast
driver, I am quite a safe driver. Anyway, I will have this great feeling
everyday for the next 1 month.

Beautiful Mt. Shasta along the
Interstate Highway-5 with snow covered the top of the mountain for whole

Day-2 : Grants Pass
- Whidbey Island
It was one of the few long driving -
455 miles. We left Grants Pass at 8:00 AM and arrived Sooja Nehrlich's house
in Freeland at 4:37 PM taking 8 1/2 hours including lunch hour, gas stop,
car ferry waiting time and a
few short coffee breaks.

Sooja is a few years
junior of Jane at Ehwa Women's University and the 3rd. YL (Young Lady) ham
in Korea following Jane (HM1AM) and Kwangja Park (HM1CA). The cover
picture of the KARL shows HM1CC visiting 8th. U.S. Army HQ in Seoul with
KARL President and greeted by General Conway, the commander.

They lived in
Chicago, built this beautiful house after retirement and moved to this
Whidbey Island in 2002. We visited her in Chicago when we had the first
transcontinental trip in 1975.

At the entrance to the house, there is an arch of
"Welcome" sign in 3 languages.
(Nehrlich was born in U.S.A. but origin is Germany.)

She always provides
us a wonderful dinner (she is a great cook). Whenever we go to Washington
State, we stay at her home.
grand-daughter's picture in kitchen.

4,500 sq. ft. house in 3 acre land
built in 2002
Beautiful View from
Living Room.

Day-3 : Whidbey Island
- Vancouver
After one night stay
in Nehrlich's house, we drove to Vancouver on 6/8, the Day-3. It is 127
miles short drive including lunch hour and more than 30 min. waiting at
Immigration Gate to Canada.

Immigration Gate to
Canada. It is beautiful and took only 30 seconds at the booth just to show
passport and answer a few questions but waited for more than 30 min. in the
line. Garmin Navigator caused some problem as it could not recognize
Canadian street numbers sometimes.

M. I. Shin when he
was the Finance Director of KMI.

We had a
lunch at Tengoku Sushi and talked about old KMI/AMI friends.
I was very glad to see him with much better health than we saw him last
time. He goes to doctor every 3 months to check (雁刈 + 壱迫笑). He is taking
medicine only.

Day-4 : Vancouver -
On 6/9, Day-4,
this was supposed to be the longest day to drive 522 miles for 9
hours according to the plan. Because it was hard to find hotel
in the mountain, I could not plan for shorter day. Therefore, we
left Vancouver earlier at 7:32 AM (Plan was to depart at 08:00
AM). As it was mountain road drive with a lot of up and down
with many sharp curves to cross the Rocky Mountains for whole
day, Jane could not drive today. Therefore, it was expected I
had to drive whole day.

Though I have expected it will be a
hard drive to cross the Rocky Mountains, it was harder than
expected and our problem of this trip started from here. I have
passed this road 2-3 times but I don't remember this road was
this much hard road to drive. Road sign said 120km/hour (75 mph) but I could not
accelerate to 120km/h at most of the road. For the most of
section, it was a single lane road with passing lane here and
there. To pass the
slower car at the up-hill passing lane, I had to accelerate to
full speed pushing acceleration pedal fully every time. I have
traveled so much but this was the first time I had to fill the
gas tank twice in one day. To make the situation worse, there
were so many road works going on slowing us down - almost 20
places? - and we lost 1 hour due to the time zone change from
Pacific Daylight Saving Time to Mountain Daylight Saving Time.
As the result, it took more than 11 hours of actual driving vs 9
hours planned.

When we arrived Banff area,
it was already dinner time before we arrive to our hotel. We
went into Banff city on the way which was not planned, had a
dinner there at THEKEG restaurant and arrived to our hotel in Canmore at 7:46 PM.

was a terrible day and I was very tired when we checked into the
hotel. I have driven Canadian Transcontinental Highway-1 but it
had double lanes each direction from Calgary to the east.
Why do they have mostly single lane in this mountain
road? I think Canadian government had to construct double lanes
in this mountain road first before they construct double lanes
in flat land.
Well, it is over any way and
I don't think there will be any similar day during this trip.
Day-5 : Banff -
Calgary - Lethbridge
Next day on
6/10, Day-5, we visited Tony Hwang (伐去析) in Calgary, Alberta. He
was ham operator in Korea (HM1AY) and is operating ham radio
station with Canadian license now - VE6CGX.
Their business is
hub and whole yard is covered by hub plants which are taken care by Mrs.
Hwang mostly.

He is operating
Canadian ham radio station VE6CGX now.

After spending
about 30 minutes in his house talking various subjects including Korean ham
radio, we had a lunch at a great Asian buffet house, mostly Chinese foods.
We continued various interesting talks taking lunch, said Good-bye to Tony
couple and headed to Lethbridge at 3:44 PM.

Canadian Rocky
Mountains are quite different from American Rocky mountains.
They have sharp mountain tops while American Rocky mountains are flat
