
We wish all of you to have

KMI-AMI Alumni members got together to have a New Year Party on 1/25 at the Korean Restaurant "Biwon".
8 members joined the party and talked a lot of subjects for a few hours including Korean new Woman President.
After the dinner and chatting at Biwon, we moved to to nearby Cho's house and continued the chatting untill 10PM.

Members enjoying a great time at Biwon.

Men's table (from left to right) :
K. R. Choi, D. W. Park, W. K. Chang, B. H. Somoon, K. A. Sung, T. H. Lee, C. W. Kim and D. I. Cho.

Ladies' table : Mrs. C. W. Kim, Mrs. W. K. Chang, Mrs. B. H. Somoon, Mrs. T. H. Lee, Jane Cho, Mrs. D. W. Lee.
Mrs. K. R. Choi and Mrs. K. A. Sung could not join due to very serious and popular flue these days.


D. I. prepared this 2.5 hours long Blue-Ray DVD which contains all video recordings of KMI-AMI Alumni activities of
Parties and Golfs, for last 5 years (2007 - 2012) he has recorded and gave a copy to each member attended the party
as a new year gift.
