Old Korean Ham Stations - HL

HL2AG - officially licensed to Engineering College,  Han-Yang University as an Experimental Radio Station with Yoon Eun-Sang OM  in the picture (A Student at the time. Currently KE2X in Texas, U.S.A.). The Experimental Radio Station was licensed first in 1957 to schools with HL2 prefix as a club station before Amateur Radio Stations were first licensed in Korea  in 1960. (Amateur Radio Station was not defined in Korean Radio Law at that time and Experimental Radio Station was the only available name in the law, hi)
HL2AO - Another Experimental Radio Station licensed to Air Force Academy in Jinhye with Seo Jung-Wook OM  in the picture (HL1BX now. An Air Force officer at the time). A lot of military communication gears in olden times are shown.
  HL9TA (HL0HQ now) - The first official Amateur Radio Station in Korea licensed to Korean Amateur Radio League as a club station on 7/19/59, the historical date in Korean ham radio, with home made CW/AM TX prepared by HM1AK (HL2AK now) at the left (big but only 100W output, hi). Still, there was no terminology of Amateur Radio in Korean Radio Communication Law !! hi hi. However, the Ministry of Communication finally licensed Amateur Radio Station officially !!!
  Opening day of HL9TA with first operators.

Standing at rear :


Sitting at front.


  QSL Card of HL9AA, the ham station of American Ambassador to Korea - "Bill" William J. Porter.
  QSL Card of HL9US, the club station of 8th. U. S. Army HQ in Yongsan, Seoul.