They had a very hard time driving from Natural Bridges National Park to the hotel in Kayenta, Arizona through Highway 261 to south. There was a warning sign saying there is a unpaved gravel road ahead and buses, campers and traililers are not recommended to drive. However, the road was well paved and there was not many traffic (saw less 10 cars for almost an hour). After about 85% of highway 261,  suddenly it was  unpaved slippery road with many gravels on the road and became S-shaped steep down hill with so many U-turns (about 30-40 U-turns?), to drive down almost vertical canyon cliffs. They were forced to drive at 5-10 mph on the most of 9 miles segment and it was scary as one side was stiff cliff. It took almost 30 min. to drive just 9 miles. It was really a stupid highway management of Utah State, leaving this dangerous segment of the road unpaved, while all other flat sections are well paved. It looks like this has been this way for well more than 10 years. It is hard to understand why some Utah State Highway teem left this road unpaved and would be this way indefinitely perhaps, as it has been so for more than 10 years. To have a fun giving great hard time to the drivers passing this road and wishing a lot of accident to happen, perhaps? (Unfortunately for them, they might have never had an accident, as all drivers had to drive so slow on this road.) They have never seen nor expected this kind of stupid road management in anywhere U.S.A..