Written by D. I. Cho  

70 Years of My Life 

This is the English translation of my biography book published at my 70th. birthday.

Please click each subject to read the story.

Memory of Chungsan (Elementary School)   1941 - 1947
Middle School   1947 - 1951
My Life during Korean War   1950 - 1951
Chungju High School   1951 - 1954
Entering Seoul National University   1954
The way my philosophy was established   1956
My life at SNU and Ham Radio Age 1954 - 1959
Gold Star Co.  25 - 29 1960 - 1964
Fairchild Semikor 31 - 35 1966 - 1970
KMI (Korean Microsystems Inc.) 35 - 38 1970 - 1973
First American Life at AMI 38 - 41 1973 - 1976
TMI, Taiwan 41 - 43 1976 - 1978
Returned to AMI from Taiwan 43 - 52 1978 - 1986
My First Europe Trip 53 1986
Samsung Semiconductors 53 - 57 1986 - 1992
Samsung Home Appliances Division 57 - 61 1992 - 1996
AST and SAS - returned to U.S.A.  from Korea 61 - 63 1996 - 1998
Retired Life 63 - 70 1998 - 2004

Though I did my best to translate Korean to English, because of my limited English knowledge, I am very sorry that it is really a Konglish, Korean English, rather than real English.  I sincerely wish you would still understand what I am going to tell you the story without much difficulty or misunderstanding, which might be inevitable here and there.


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